
Mac System/library/coreservices/remotemanagement

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  1. Mac System/library/coreservices/remotemanagement Pro
  2. Mac System/library/coreservices/remotemanagement Recipe
  3. Mac System/library/coreservices/remotemanagement Cheese
  4. Mac System/library/coreservices/remotemanagement Version

2012-12-29  Joseph Kriz wrote: I know this question has been sort of answered but not properly in my opinion. There should be no permissions to repair once they have been repaired. Sep 30, 2019 Enabling remote management on macOS Mojave is different from an admin's usual process. Learn how to enable remote management in macOS 10.14 or newer. 2007-10-30  You're not the only one to report this - SINC on ehMac.ca reports the same thing. ARDAgent is part of Apple Remote Desktop. First: turn off Apple Remote Desktop in your System Preferences and try Repairing Permissions again. I was trying to copy music files which were on my shared folder under my user account so I could share these with my daughter on her iPhone. I got info like it was copying the files but when it tried to write them to the boot drive where user files, I received a message saying not sufficient privilege. Jun 17, 2014 Let’s see how this works, again the Mac community was very helpful in explaining how to for instance create a user via Shell Script. After trying to manage the com.apple.remotemanagement.plist file located in /library/Preferences I searched for an alternative option to enable remote management and remote control via VNC. Joseph Kriz wrote: I know this question has been sort of answered but not properly in my opinion. There should be no permissions to repair once they have been repaired.

使用 kickstart 可以设置“Apple 远程桌面”的偏好设置。例如,您可以安装、卸载、激活、设置和重新启动“Apple 远程桌面”组件。

了解如何在 macOS Mojave 10.14 及更高版本上使用 kickstart 命令行实用工具通过“屏幕共享”来控制远程 Mac。


您可以在以下位置找到 kickstart 工具:

以一行文本的形式键入本文中的命令。如果文本在您输入时自动换行,也没有关系。在输入完整命令之前,不要按下 Return 键。

The videos are sorted based on the date you exported them from the source library.If you created subfolders when you exported the items and you want to create an Album for each subfolder, follow these steps:. How to import additional photo library mac. Select all of the photos and videos within the subfolder. In the Finder, open a subfolder. Drag the items onto My Albums in the Photos sidebar.

有关 kickstart 命令的更多信息,请使用 -help 标记:


Mac System/library/coreservices/remotemanagement Pro

本文中的命令适用于“Apple 远程桌面 3.2”及更高版本。

Mac System/library/coreservices/remotemanagement Recipe


Mac System/library/coreservices/remotemanagement Cheese

  • 重新启动 ARD 代理和帮助程序:
  • 打开 Remote Desktop 共享功能,允许开放所有用户的访问权限,以及启用附加菜单:
  • 打开 Remote Desktop 共享功能,允许开放指定用户的访问权限:
    您必须在单独的命令中使用 -configure、-access 和 -privs 选项来指定用户组和他们的访问权限。例如,以下命令适用于具有短名称“teacher”和“student”的用户。它会授予这些用户观察(而非控制)电脑和发送文本信息的权限:
    与其他 kickstart 选项不同,您无法将 allowAccessFor 选项与其他 kickstart 选项搭配使用。您必须像上面最后两个示例那样使用它。您可能需要多次调用 kickstart 才能完成电脑的设置。
  • 移除指定用户(在以下示例中为“student”)的访问权限:
  • 停用 ARD 代理并移除所有用户的访问权限:

Mac System/library/coreservices/remotemanagement Version

You may never need this, but if you do, it is the best trick ever.
I administer my XSERVER remotely via the built in Apple VNC. However, the VNC service occasionally crashes, and locks my session. It also refuses any more VNC logins. This is particularly frustrating when I am off site! Apple has analyzed this and has no explanation or fix.
One talented and determined technician came up with this magic workaround. If SSH access is enabled on the server, you can connect to the server via an SSH client (PUTTY is great for Windows clients), and run this command:
sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Resources/kickstart -restart -agent
You must log in with admin rights, and must enter the admin password again to run the command. It can take a minute to run. After it finishes, VOILA! you can login again via VNC.
Believe me, this is a Godsend if you need it!